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Enboarder API Docs: Launch an Advanced Workflow
Enboarder API Docs: Launch an Advanced Workflow

This API launches an Enboarder workflow with multiple managers.

Adam Faludi avatar
Written by Adam Faludi
Updated this week

Advanced Workflow

To launch an employee into Enboarder, the required fields are:

  • Employee full name

  • Employee contact (email or mobile)

  • Direct Manager full name

  • Direct Manager contact (email or mobile)

  • Employee key date (start date for onboarding, last date of employment for offboarding etc)

Any extra fields that you wish to include as part of your workflow can be configured using Categories, Custom Fields and Locations.

Base URL:

API Endpoint

Request Method: POST

Sample Request

"nhnm": "Jane Doe",
"nhfnm": "Jane",
"nhlnm": "Doe",
"nhmob": "+61415xxxxxx",
"nhexternalid": "nhext-001",
"nheml": "",
"chnl": "mob",
"nhstdt": "2016-08-12",
"managers": [
"nm": "John Van Doe",
"fnm": "Jane Van",
"lnm": "Doe",
"mob": "+61415xxxxxx",
"eml": "",
"chnl": "mob",
"mgrlbl": "Direct Manager"
"externalid": "ext-0001",
"mgrlbl": "Direct Manager"
"customfields": [
"name": "brand",
"value": "enboarder"
"name": "location",
"value": "Sydney"
"name": "Employee Number",
"value": "98786"
"externalid": "687368798490",
"mode": 0


  • On Success, below response will be return

Response Body:

{ "message": "ok", "referenceid": "687368798490" }

Where referenceid is externalid passed in request body or uniqueid generated by system launched from

On Error

Resposne Body:

{ "message": "Atleast one of the fields is required [\"nheml\",\"nhmob\",\"nhmobeml\"]" }

Message will contain error message

Attribute Names & Descriptions:

Attribute Name


Required (yes/no)


Full name of Employee. It is optional in case nhexternalid is provided in payload



First name of Employee. It is optional.



Last name of Employee. It is optional.



Employee Mobile.

Either nhmob or nheml. It is optional in case nhexternalid is provided in payload


Employee Email

Either nhmob or nheml. It is optional in case nhexternalid is provided in payload


Externalid of existing profile. In case this is passed in payload, then system will link existing profile for the candidate. The source system don’t need to pass nhnm, nhfnm,nhlnm, nhmob, nheml fields in this case.


Preferred channel for employee. Valid values:

  • mob (default)

  • eml



This is optional field. Use it in case you want to send either email or mobile in same field for candidate

Note - The system will considered value of this field only if nhmob, nheml and chnl are not present in payload

no (optional)


Ordered list of all variable managers required to start the workflow. Fields needed for each manager and shown below example



name of the manager



first name of the manager.It is optional.


last name of the manager.It is optional.


Externalid of existing profile. In case this is passed in payload, then system will link existing profile for that manager. The source system don’t need to pass nm,fnm,lnm, mob, eml fields in this case

no (optional)


Manager email or Mobile



Manager email or Mobile



Preferred channel for manager



This is optional field. Use it in case you want to send either email or mobile in same field for manager

Note - The system will considered value of this field only if manager.mob, manager.eml and manager.chnl are not present in payload.



Label of manager, whose details need to be added. This is required in case of workflow has multiple variable managers



Start Date of Employee



List of all custom fields for the workflow. They are name , value pairs. name should match the name of custom field defined in Enboarder. Brand, location and optional categories can also be provided in custom fields with name as ‘brand’, ‘location’ and category name in Enboarder respectively.



This is a unique ID of the workflow. Reference of external System to match with Enboarder Workflow. This should be unique for all workflows started in Enboarder. If external is not specified then Enboarder generates a unique ID for workflow, which can be used to perform update operations on Enboarder workflow programatically.



Mode to launch workflow, possible values are:

0 (Default): Do not launch if any workflow exists with external ID.

1 : Cancel the existing workflow and launch new workflow with this external ID.

2 : Allow launching multiple workflows with same external id but different criteria. If workflow exists with same criteria, cancel the existing one and launch the new one.


Parent Child Mapping

We've made it easy for you to integrate with one account in Enboarder (the parent account), and then be able to pass data into other child accounts. In order to enable data to flow from a parent account to a child account, you will need to configure child account IDs.

What you will need to change in the payload

  • The source system should send this child account ID in the payload in attribute childAccountID.

  • The possible values of this field should be provided to Enboarder support so that they can configure these IDs to each child account

  • When the payload is received, Enboarder will check the value of the childAccountID field. If an ID matches with any of the child account IDs, the workflow will be launched into that child account. If an ID does not match a child account, then the workflow will be launched into the parent account.

Example: If you have 3 child accounts in Enboarder and you are using the office location city as child ID, you will need to send us the below data in a CSV file:

Child Account Name

External id

Account 1


Account 2


Account 3


Here is a sample payload for launching a workflow. Enboarder will launch the workflow into Account 2 in this case.

"nhnm": "Jane Doe",
"nheml": "",
"nhstdt": "2021-08-12",
"managers": [
{ "nm": "Jane Van",
"eml": "",
"mgrlbl": "Direct Manager"
"customfields": [
{ "name": "brand",
"value": "enboarder"
"externalid": "687368798490",
"mode": 0

Set up in Enboarder

We need a mapping of your child account names and the unique ID of each child account. The child account ID can be any ID that is unique per child account and available in the source system. This ID will be used to find the child's account in Enboarder. The ID can be alphanumeric or string. It should be passed to our system as a string.

*At least one contact channel is required. If both email and mobile are included, use channel to indicate sending preference.

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