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Dashboard: Completion Tile

Learn how to view your Workflow Completion Rates at a glance with our Dashboard Tile!

Adam Faludi avatar
Written by Adam Faludi
Updated over 5 months ago

Ready to take your Admin Dashboard up a notch?

With the addition of the new Completion Tile, you can take "at a glance" reporting to a whole new level!

The Completion Tile will provide you with an overview of the completion rate of your stakeholders that you select in one, or multiple workflows.

But how do we calculate the completion rate you may ask?!

Great question!

Completed sequences include sequences completed on-time and completed after they were overdue, as well as sequences marked as completed by admins of Enboarder. We then work out the percentage of completed sequences against how many were sent! #QuickMaths 🤓

How To Add The Completion Rate Tile

Step 1: Click 'Add Tile' in the top right-hand corner.

Step 2: The 'Add Dashboard Tile' pop-up will appear with descriptions of each tile.
Click on the Completion Rate icon.

Step 3: From there, you can customize your workflow choice, phase, stakeholders, and what time frame you'd like to see.

Remember, the time frame you select is simply the default for this tile, you can select a dashboard filter at any point to display select dates on demand!

When you're satisfied with your options, click Add Tile, and voilà! You're a dashboard master now.

If you'd like to view more in-depth reports of each workflow and their completion rate (and drop off rates!), head over to our Heatmap article here!

For any questions, start a chat with the team in the top right-hand side of Enboarder by clicking the ? button!

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