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How to setup GDPR Consent in Enboarder
Adam Faludi avatar
Written by Adam Faludi
Updated over a year ago

Let's talk about setting up user consent! (If you've already set this up, check out the bottom of the article to find out how to report on consent!)

In the Security tab within Settings, you can activate the 'Employee Consent' form that an employee can read and accept prior to seeing content in your workflows.

This consent module will be added to the start of all communications. Once acknowledged the participant will not see this form again. If a participant does not consent they won’t be able to access the content.

Note: this will display to all candidates (including other stakeholders) upon receiving the first piece of content. Once they acknowledge it, they won't see it again.

How to set up the User Consent Form:

Step 1: Click Settings > Account & Security > Security

Step 2: Scroll down to Data Privacy section and check the “Require User Consent” check box:

Step 3: Enter your company details and save. These details will be used to populate the privacy policy.

Step 4: To configure the user consent form that will be seen by employees, click the 'Edit user consent form' link:

Step 5: The User Consent form can be edited below.

You can also preview the privacy policy by clicking on Legal Details > Edit Privacy Statement

To see if someone has accepted this form - head to the Activity and Audit logs and click on the "Completed Documents" dropdown on the bottom right side. You can also see the information within the participants' Profile.

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