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How Can I Report on Form Responses (And Download The Data?)
How Can I Report on Form Responses (And Download The Data?)

Track your form responses!

Neil Southwell avatar
Written by Neil Southwell
Updated over 6 months ago

Enboarder can help you to report and download your form responses, giving you the ability to keep your finger on the pulse and see what's happening within the business.

Don't forget you can even add form responses to your Dashboard to view data at a glance. Check out how to do that here!

Accessing Forms

By clicking the Reports tab on the top menu of Enboarder, and then Forms, you can view and report on all associated responses.

Navigating Forms

The forms screen is made up of 2 areas:

  1. The left side drawer displays all the forms and questions that you have in the system. You can also favourite forms, add to folders or view any form that has been "Archived"

  2. The right side of the screen will show the output from the form(s) and questions you select. This is where you can choose the columns to include, filter the data and export.

Favorite Forms

Stay organized and access your favourite forms in a separate folder by clicking the heart icon.

Once you have selected your favourite forms, these will appear in the favourite menu from that moment on.

To remove a form from your favourite list, simply deselect the heart on the form(s)

Form Folders

For all our organizational kings and queens, we’ve made searching and finding responses even easier with the ability to organize your forms in customized folders (go on, make Marie Kondo proud!).

By clicking on the 'Add folder' icon, create folders to organize your form responses. Whether you’re pulling new hire feedback during onboarding or only want to browse regretted leavers’ feedback - this is all possible!

Note: When you create a folder and you type its new name, press "Enter" on your keyboard once you have finished typing the name to ensure it saves.

Once your form folders are created, select the forms you wish to add by using the 'Move to folder' icon:

Building Your Report

When you select a form, you will see all the questions available in that form.

To select and build out your report, click on the form(s) and questions you want to include and the report will start building on the right side of the screen.

As you build the form, you will have the option to toggle questions On or Off.

When On, you will see the full question you have asked the employee or stakeholder in the form. When this is Off, the report will only show the question name configured in the form settings.

As you select additional forms and questions, you will start to see all the information build.

Once you have your report, you can now search for responses:

Filter by completed by, workflow, categories, custom fields, submitted date and key date:

Add and remove any columns from your report

How to download form data?

Once you have built your report, you can now download your data!

  • If you are only reporting on one form and its data, this can be downloaded to either CSV or Excel format.

  • If you are reporting on multiple forms, this can only download to Excel format.

  • If your form includes attachments, there is an option to download Submitted Documents.

Note: When downloading to CSV, the system will generate and download the file to your browser.

If you have selected to download to Excel, you will see this message:

When downloading submitted documents, you will see this message:

You can then check the progress of these in the Activity Centre

When the report or submitted document is ready, you will receive an email to advise it is available to download from the notification centre.

It will also show in the Notification Centre, from here you can download the report or Zip file.

If you have any questions, let us know in the chat located in the top right of any Enboarder screen.

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