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Transferring Workflows from One Account to Another
Transferring Workflows from One Account to Another

Easily transfer workflows between your Parent account and any Child accounts, as well as between different Child accounts.

Chris Jones avatar
Written by Chris Jones
Updated this week

If you have multiple Enboarder accounts, you may find the need to transfer workflows from one account to another. The good thing is that we've made this simple for you!

When in the Workflows tab, navigate to the Transfer assets to a different account button:

Parent to Child Account:

Select which account you would like to transfer your workflow to. Then you simply need to select which Workflow you would like to transfer. Finally, click on Transfer asset:

The system will then review the workflow and account to review if there are any duplicate modules or missing fonts. A pop up screen will advise you of any actions you will need to take once the workflow has been added into the new account:

That's it! The newly transferred workflow is not in any way connected to the Parent account workflow, any changes made in the Parent account of Child account will not impact one another.

Child to Child Account:

Navigate to the Transfer assets to a different account button and click the drop-down icon to select 'Manual asset transfer between accounts'.

Then you simply need to select which Workflow you would like to transfer and click on Download.

Once the file has been downloaded, simply select the target Account you want to transfer the workflow and click Upload.

You will then be asked to select the file from your downloads and have the option to review changes before clicking Transfer Now.

Finally, click the Go To Asset button to navigate to the target Account to locate the Workflow under MyAssets.

Note: This feature will be automatically added to all accounts.

Replace/Don’t replace Duplicate action:

You can now choose to Replace or not to Replace Action in Transfer window for identified Duplicate modules.

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