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Enboarder + JobAdder Integration

Connect your JobAdder instance with Enboarder to automatically send new hires into their onboarding experience!

Chris Jones avatar
Written by Chris Jones
Updated over a year ago

This article outlines the main steps to integrate JobAdder with Enboarder. JobAdder's integration with Enboarder utilizes a pull model where Enboarder polls JobAdder system at a regular frequency for new placement feed information. The polling frequency can be configured for different intervals, however, the job can only run on a single interval at a time.

Before you begin: Like anything worth doing, integrations take time. Please allow up to 4 weeks for this integration to be completed, this includes time for scoping, development and testing. You’ll also need to have a system expert and/or system administrator to assist in the completion of this integration.

Note: This integration gets triggered immediately after setting it up.

Here are the steps for integration:

  1. Login as an admin user in Enboarder and go to Settings > Apps & Integrations > App Center

  2. Click on the tile JobAdder (or search if you can't see it) for which you want the integration setup.  

3. Click on 'Add Integration' and select data pull frequency (interval at which Enboarder will lookup for new hires in JobAdder) and then click on 'Integrate Now'.

4. Select 'oAuth2' from list and click on 'Next'.

5. Select data pull frequency (interval at which Enboarder will lookup for new hires in JobAdder) and then click on 'Integrate Now'.

6. The system will redirect to JobAdder's site and ask for credentials.

7. Click on 'Accept' in JobAdder.

8. If there is no error, the system will mark the tile JobAdder as 'Integrated'.

JobAdder-Enboarder field Mappings

General Integration Notes

  • Enboarder pulls Placement Feed from JobAdder on configured frequency. Enboarder sends the last fetch date to JobAdder to get only the new feeds.

  • JobAdder's Integration just supports one manager field.

  • Limited Category fields are supported.

  • No Custom field mapping is supported.

  • JobAdder does not have Contact as required field. As per discussion with JobAdder equating the Contact with the Hiring Manager will require support from your Customer Success Manager.

  • To get the placement workflow started, you will need to Choose A Candidate > Actions > Place Candidate. In order for a placement to make it into the placement feed we require 4 things:

  • 'Export to Payroll/Timesheets' must be ticked;

  • A Primary Approver must be selected;

  • 'Approved' must be ticked (only if the account requires approval on placements); and

  • The placement status must be an 'open' status for instance 'Placed.'

Trouble Shooting 

You can now investigate mapping issues very easily. The API response is now available in Enboarder. Please go to Settings >Apps & Integrations > Integration logs to view the complete payload. There will be multiple rows. One contains the complete response message and the others will provide candidate information regarding the workflow.

Click on a row with blank Employee to see the complete payload.

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