Enboarder Access: Allowlist IP Addresses (Web & Email)

How to prevent Enboarder emails and the Enboarder web application from being blocked internally

Adam Faludi avatar
Written by Adam Faludi
Updated over a week ago

Don't lock us out in the cold!

Access Enboarder within your firewall by ensuring both web and email IP addresses are allowlisted.

Web Allowlist Process
The engaging and interactive modules created within Enboarder are all hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS) in three regional data centers. Each of these data centers provides us with a unique IP address that will each need to be allowlisted if you're having trouble logging into Enboarder's server in that region.

See below the domains that can be allowlisted for both the Enboarder Administration Platform as well as for the Enboarder End User experience:

Based on your account setup, you may need to allow multiple domains if you have accounts set up in multiple regions. Our support team can assist if you're unsure.


Enboarder Admin Domains

Enboarder End User Domains













Depending on your security parameters, you may need to allowlist your subdomain. To find your account's subdomain, navigate to Settings > General Setup > My Dashboard. The subdomain can be found under the Login URL:

While the process to allowlist the IP address will often be enough, some firewalls may require you to allowlist all Enboarder Domain URLs. These are either of the following: enboarder.com, enboard.me plus its subdomains, and static.enboarder.net domain. If these domains are allowlisted, then all content served by Enboarder should be visible. Some of the advanced Enboarder functionality also utilizes common CDNs to fetch and serve javascript files ajax.googleapis.com , cdnjs.cloudflare.com. These domains may need to be enabled within the company network as well.

Email Allowlist Process
Enboarder uses two email sending platforms:

  • Customer.io

  • Mailjet

(Check with our Customer Support Team if you are unsure which service your account is using).

All emails sent via Customer.io and Mailjet on behalf of Enboarder are DKIM and SPF signed for authenticity. Some email servers may block messages coming from either of Enboarder's email service providers. To fix this issue, the following IP addresses can be allowlisted:


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